Supporting Us

Want to lend a hand? Here's how!

Supporting Us
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Thank you for being a reader of Weathered! We're a scrappy, grassroots, bootstrapping type of Publication that's trying to fight the good fight against climate change, environmental and social injustice, and learning to live sustainably in our ecosystems.

To keep the lights on we need your support and there are many ways you can help! Here are a few!

  1. Did you like what you read? Share it on social media!
  2. Want to add your thoughts to an article? Please drop a few comments!
  3. Want to give Kudos to one of our writers? Hit their profile and see how you can help!
  4. Want to help keep the lights on here? Consider becoming a paying supporter!

Thank you so much and welcome to the conversation.